Monday, September 6, 2010

So much to share

            I am now 39 weeks and a few days pregnant. Nearly there!!!          

Today Nenad and I decided to spend the day out, exploring. We had high tea, quite fancy indeedy! Im not much of a tea drinker, but I have to admit, it was pretty darn tasty, plus it was just a fun, different thing for us to do. We then walked along the pier, admiring all the local artisans work. It was a relaxing and enjoyable day, just the two of us.

This blog post was going to be dedicated to the baby mobile I made and the new paint colour in the nursery, but something else ended up happening today that definitely deserves mentioning :)


Nenad knew I wanted more pics of my pregnancy. It is drawing to a close and well, I have to admit, I am one of those women who absolutely LOVE/Loved being pregnant. I heard so many pregnant women complain, who just wanted it to be over. I am/was not one of those women. I will miss it. I will miss my baby kicking and rolling around in my womb, I will miss knowing that right now she is all mine, I will miss the whole feminine, womanliness of this experience. Ok Im getting off topic... So Nenad and I went to this spot on the beach, where we have gone a few times. He took a million pictures, I was his muse lol. Then when we were all finished, he pulled out a box, and asked me to marry him. He managed to smoosh the ring on my swollen, chubby, pregnant finger, after both of us wondered in confusion which was my left hand lol. I started to cry and sort of jumped into his arms. With his bad leg, this probably wasn't the best of ideas. He stumbled a bit and I was so worried that I was going to knock us over that my tears stopped. Oh boy we are engaged. The ring is absolutely the most beautiful stunning ring ever! I know, we are doing things a bit backwards, baby then engagement, but we couldn't be happier.

I painted the nursery not too long ago. The decorating is far from finished, but I am happy to at least have a new colour in there. I didn't think a baby should grow up in a beigey brown room. It is hard to tell, but it is a pale blueish green. Very pretty with the pink curtains and other pink details. I had plans to paint a pink dome shape behind the crib and then either get one of those wall decals that look like a tree or actually paint a tree on the wall inside the dome shape, and add paper flowers, but that will have to wait. Not sure Im artistic enough for that venture. Plus the baby won't be spending much time in there. The plan is to have the baby sleep in our room with us. I just can't imagine putting a baby in a separate room after she just spent the last 9 months safely tucked away in my womb, always with me and comforted but my voice and heartbeat. Seems scary to then be left all alone in a big dark lonely room. I have to say, I personally am no fan of sleeping alone. We will see how it goes :)

We brought a bed downstairs, because I have been told that after a cesarean, going up and down stairs will not be pleasant. Plus, a couple of weeks after my c-section, Nen is having knee surgery, and I doubt he will be doing to many stairs himself. Tomorrow is dedicated to setting up the new room downstairs, and grocery shopping so the house is fully stocked. Oh and do a bunch of laundry.