Friday, February 18, 2011

It has been a couple days since Sophie had her second set of shots. I was starting to worry about her leg. She wasn't really moving it at all. Thankfully all is back to normal. She is squirming around, rolling from her back on to her tummy, every time I put her on the floor. Im possitive she managed to roll all the way over on to her tummy for the first time today.

Sophie has been sticking her tongue out and giving little raspberries a llot today. You can tell she is very proud of this skill she has aquired. She drenches her shirt, chin and neck in the process with drool. She is the cutest.

When Nenad was getting his staples removed the other day, a man started talking to us about babies and how every parents thinks their child is the cutest. I felt like telling him " I don't think it, I know it!"

Speaking of Nen and his leg, the doctor is happy with the progress after his latest surgery. He is able to get 90 degrees of flexion at the knee, but the doctor hopes that once all the swelling has gone down, he will get closer to 110 degrees flexion. Although even if it remains at 90 degrees, that would be great as well. They say 90 degrees is what you need to manuever well through everyday life. Nenad has been using this Continuous Passive Motion Machine to keep his knee moving and to prevent too much scar tissue from reforming. He will have to go back to the docotor every so often to have injecyions in his knee joint. Poor guy, he has gone through so much.

I just measured Sophies head circumference. It is 41cm. I looked at one site and they said she is in the 5th percentile. Which made me worry that her head was way too small. She has a very proportional head size, but when i see other babies, their heads seem a lot bigger! I checked with another site, andit said she is in the 21st precetile. I am going to trust that site :)

More Shots

5 months, 1 week and 1 day old, weighing in at 14.06 lbs and measuring 63.5 cm in length. Sophie had her second set of shots today. She is a strong and brave little girl, but I have to say, these shots have been harder on her than the first set. She cried the moment the first needle went in, and cried some more when she received the second needle. Her Daddy was in the waiting room, and said he heard her cries. My poor little turtle had a nice long nap when we got home. She is really favouring her left leg. Any pressure, movement or weight on it makes her cry. On top of it all, her voice sounds raspy and she feels a bit warm.

Thankfully my baby girl has fallen asleep again, so I am taking the time to update our blog. A better plan would be to try and sleep myself, as I'm worried it might be a long night. Plus, bright and early tomorrow morning, I am taking Nen to the Doc, to have his staples from the knee surgery removed.

I am thinking about starting an art journal. Some of the ones I have seen online are very inspiring. I will have to  manage my time better if I plan on taking that on. I think it would be a great creative outlet. I also would like to update my blog at least once a week.... We will see how that goes :)