Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beautiful Baby

Here she is, the most recent pic of our baby girl at 31 weeks. Ok so this is the 28,547 ultrasound we have had this pregnancy, and they still can't be sure we are having a girl. They say they don't see anything that leads them to think we are having a boy. Hmmmm, I think it is time that we can count on the fact that she is definitely a girl. Although it would be nice to here the sonographer say for certain.

Isn't she beautiful :) Its hard to tell from this shot, but I think she looks like her daddy. It looks as if she has his nose. She really didn't want to have her picture taken. She is still in a frank breech postition, so when she wasn't hiding her beautiful face behind her legs and feet, she was smooshed up into the placenta, making a not so pretty picture. The sonographer did his best to get some good shots. He had me turn on my left side, my right side, get up and do squats, drink water, drink OJ.... non of it made her reposition. Then he told me to go and have a milkshake and come back in a half hour. Well I had a mocha frapp. I thought this would give her a boost. I have been craving them for the last 7 or so months, so I gave in to the craving. All we got out of her was a yawn! Oh this little cutie pie, she is her own little being. I think she will have a very calm easy going, yet stubborn, personality.

The sonographer said we could come back in a couple weeks and see if she is more open to having her picture taken. Which is an awesome idea cause that way we can see how much she has changed since the last visit, and see if she has flipped out of her breech position. 

Wow, looking at the picture is amazing. It's strange being pregnant. I feel her kicking, and I see these scans of her, I talk and sing to her and rub my tummy, but the reality hasn't really sunk in. We are going to have a beautiful little baby, very soon. It brings tears to my eyes. Yet I can't fully grasp it. I wonder how real this feels to Nenad?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I love being pregnant

 Hello Ladies and Gents, I haven't posted in a while. Since I am so behind, I may be posting a few times this week. Well this is my tummy right now. Oh boy I am getting big. The double chin I could live without, but Nen refused to stand up to take these photos lol. I love the belly. Thankfully no stretchmarks woohoo. I guess I shouldn't jinx it just yet, but I have my mom to thank for good genetics. Also my sister Jillybean gave me some shea butter. In the background is a glimpse of our new house. We moved in nearly two weeks ago. I can't believe this is all ours. I hope people come to visit, cause we have the extra space. Riley (our puppy-dog) LOVES the backyard

As you can see    ^^^^   He is sooo adorable.

The baby is doing well. She worries me sometimes cause she doesn't move much during the day, but 11pm strikes and its like its time for her aerobics class. She also likes to wake me up around 4 am. Im not sure if she really has anything to do with the 4 am wake up, or if its purely my bladder I have to blame for that. I worry about exercising myself cause it seems to cause Braxton Hicks contractions when I do anything vigorous.
There are a few pregnancy symptoms that have snuck up on me. They aren't new , but just progressively becoming more noticeable. One thing is shortness of breath. Walking up stairs causes me to breath heavily, but even when lying on the couch, my breathing seems a bit more difficult. I suppose it is the baby getting bigger and creating less room for my lungs to fill. No biggy really. The sore back isn't fun. It isn't my low back surprisingly, its my mid to upper back. It feels like my muscles are being stretched or are just over worked. Maybe its my ribcage spreading hmmmm. Oh ya and two things that I didn't realize had anything to do with pregnancy, but turns out they do... First, leg and foot cramps when I wake up in the morning. You know when your calf muscle or your foot seems to seize up and the muscle feels like its getting tighter and tighter? Thats what happens in the morning to me. Oddly enough, pregnant women tend to get these leg cramps more often. That and raw sore gums every once in a while. Icky!!! After saying all that, I admit , I have had a very easy going, wonderful pregnancy. This little baby has been very kind to me. I love being pregnant! I love the growing belly, I love the baby kicks, I love when people ask me about the baby and when Im due :)

OOOh I just made chocolate cupcakes from scratch and they turned out perfectly. Usually when I make cupcakes from scratch they turn out like little bricks! But these are nice and fluffy. Thank you Martha Stewart!

PS, We saw "Inception" the other night. I rally liked it. Its a thinking movie. It amazes me how someone could conceive such an idea. Very well done ( There was one part of the movie that I thought dragged a bit, but I have a short attention span at times ). I Would recommend it for sure.