Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Green Thumb

Sophie and I recently went to Vancouver to celebrate her big cousin, Williams, birthday. A pirate themed bash, held at Crash Crawly's, was a big hit with everyone. I made my favourite William, in the whole world, a pirate cake. When they cut into the cake, everyone was surprised by the beautiful bright rainbow colours inside. A good time was had by all, but it was a short visit. As much as Sophie loves visiting everyone in Vancouver, she missed her Daddy and was happy to get back into her normal routine.

It was a gorgeous day out a few days back, so I took the opportunity to do a bit of gardening. By "gardening", I mean I tore out all of the ivy that was creeping up and smothering every other plant in the yard! While I was busy doing this, Sophie made a B-line for the dirt herself. She had a great time digging around, getting covered in mulch and checking out the leaves. I think she may have a true interest in landscaping :)

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