Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beautiful Baby

Here she is, the most recent pic of our baby girl at 31 weeks. Ok so this is the 28,547 ultrasound we have had this pregnancy, and they still can't be sure we are having a girl. They say they don't see anything that leads them to think we are having a boy. Hmmmm, I think it is time that we can count on the fact that she is definitely a girl. Although it would be nice to here the sonographer say for certain.

Isn't she beautiful :) Its hard to tell from this shot, but I think she looks like her daddy. It looks as if she has his nose. She really didn't want to have her picture taken. She is still in a frank breech postition, so when she wasn't hiding her beautiful face behind her legs and feet, she was smooshed up into the placenta, making a not so pretty picture. The sonographer did his best to get some good shots. He had me turn on my left side, my right side, get up and do squats, drink water, drink OJ.... non of it made her reposition. Then he told me to go and have a milkshake and come back in a half hour. Well I had a mocha frapp. I thought this would give her a boost. I have been craving them for the last 7 or so months, so I gave in to the craving. All we got out of her was a yawn! Oh this little cutie pie, she is her own little being. I think she will have a very calm easy going, yet stubborn, personality.

The sonographer said we could come back in a couple weeks and see if she is more open to having her picture taken. Which is an awesome idea cause that way we can see how much she has changed since the last visit, and see if she has flipped out of her breech position. 

Wow, looking at the picture is amazing. It's strange being pregnant. I feel her kicking, and I see these scans of her, I talk and sing to her and rub my tummy, but the reality hasn't really sunk in. We are going to have a beautiful little baby, very soon. It brings tears to my eyes. Yet I can't fully grasp it. I wonder how real this feels to Nenad?

1 comment:

Misheru said...

Hi Kelly,

You are so lucky to get such an amazing picture! I didn't get a
3D ultrasound with Luke. I can't believe you are 31 weeks already! I had such horrible morning sickness up to the end, you seem to be doing great. I hope the baby turns around for you soon. It will be such an awesome experience I am so happy for you. I'm not sure anything really can prepare you but you sure sound ready.