Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pitter patter

Heart Beat

We had a great visit with our midwife today. We recorded the video and posted above. There is sound, but it is pretty quiet on my computer, except for a few loud thuds, which is the sound of the baby jumping around. Hopefully you can hear the little pitter patter of the heart. I can't tell you how magical it is to hear my baby's heart beating. I get to hear it once a month. Inbetween visits I start to worry and wonder if the baby is ok and then I hear that reassuring little thumping sound and all is well. Our midwife said the baby sounds strong willed and stubborn :) The little one kept doing "karate" moves and jumping around. The baby feels pretty active right now as I type this out.

I was surprised when I watched the video, after the visit. From my view, looking down at my belly, and when ! am standing up, my tummy looks much much bigger than that.

My blood pressure is a bit low, but nothing to worry about. My midwife says I am a bit dehydrated. How this is possible I do not know, I drink crazy amounts of water. She says I should drink coconut water to increase my electrolytes. I tried it, and think I may stick with gatorade. She also said the menstrual type cramps are probably my uterus and muscles stretching, and that it is still a bit early for braxton hicks contractions.

So we have come to the conclusion that I am 20 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My due date will be around Sept 11th. This corresponds with the size of the baby and my conception date. I think this is the date we are going to stick with. At least I hope so. I am going to heave another ultra sound in a couple of weeks to make sure that the baby's growth is on track.

I will probably ask this a few times, but does anyone have any ideas for boy or girl names? I say "she" in the video, referring to the baby, but we don't know yet. Tech said its possibly a girl, but our doctor said at the time of the ultrasound, it was a little too early to tell. So no pink paint just yet. Judging by these kicks, if she is a girl, she is going to be one tough cookie!!! At this stage the baby weighs just under 1lb, about 10 or 11 oz and is around 7 inches from head to rump :) Getting big!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

This is a picture of my little one at 9 weeks and 1 day. The little one is the adorable little gummy bear firgure in the centre of the photo. We were able to see the babys heartbeat flickering for the first time at this ultrasound. It was an amazing site to see. I have some pics of the baby at 18 weeks that I will post soon.
I think I have started having Braxton Hicks contractions. Lastnight they started. Im not sure if what Im feeling are for sure BH contractions, but I see my widwife next week so I will ask her then. As soon as I felt them I started doing some online research. I know, the internet isn't always the best place to look for medical advice, but good or bad, it is where I turn for some answers. Ok for a lot of answers. Every new symptom I have, I type it into google search and up pops numerous other mothers to be with similar questions or answers. Thankfully from what I have read, BH contractions are perfectly normal. They are the bodies way of preparing for real labour.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I started at 5'6", 120lbs and waist was about 27-28"
That was 5 months ago
now 32" waist, last week it was 30
weight gain - 15lbs, I think,
I have been scared to weigh myself since my last weigh in, so Im sticking with 15 lbs. I am at a healthy weight, and I know its just a number, but oh boy its hard seeing your weight go up.
*edit April 23rd- weighed myself this morning -20 weeks and 4ish days preggers,
weight gain 14-15 lbs

I was really craving fish and chips today! Ok not so much fish and chips, more like tartar sauce. I didn't have any though :( I know its bad for me and baby, but mcdonalds has some yummy tartar sauce that I dip my fries in, yum yum yum.

I had a bit of a melt down a couple weeks ago when going through the McD's drive through. I have this thing with ketchup, I love it. It drives me crazy when they forget to put some packets in the bag. I checked when we got to the window and there were only 2 packets. I asked for more, and the guy told me they only allow ONE packet per meal now!!?!?! Ummm what, are they struggling that much that they can't afford to give out ketchup. Uh oh Pregnancy hormones took over. I ranted at DH all the way home. I even looked up their website cause I was going to email them and ask "whats up?" hahaha DH laughed and said he should video tape my rants and put them on youtube. I do think it would have been a hilarious youtube video, I was a bit crazy. Honestly, I don't get upset vey often, but for some reason when I do, its over the silliest things.

I went to the mall today, cause my clothes are getting tight. Plus summer is around the corner and I could use some colour in my wardrobe. I didn't find anything though. Oh well next time.

On the drive home the baby and I played "patty cake". The baby kicked, so I tapped back on my tummy, and the baby kicked again, we did this for a couple minutes. Earlier today the baby felt like he/she was doing summersaults.

I am so excited to be pregnant, but it wasn't until I started getting a belly and felt movement that it really hit me.... we are going to have a baby soon. I can't wait to hold my little birdie in my arms, but I want to enjoy every minute of being pregnant.

Judy Garland - Over The Rainbow Music Video - The Wizard Of Oz, 1939

Somewhere over the rainbow

I believe that between 17-19 weeks your baby's ears have developed and can hear sounds within the womb. I have been singing songs to my little one. I love the song "I will" by the Beatles. But a really beautiful song that i have recently learned the words to and started singing is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". I think I am tone deaf, but Im sure the baby won't mind :)

Some other songs I have been singing are; twinkle twinkle, You are my Sunshine, True Colours, ABC's.... I want to sing songs other than childrens lullabies, any suggestions?

* I Will*
Who knows how long I've loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely life time
If you want me to I will
For if I ever saw you
I didn't catch you name
It never really mattered
I will always feel the same
Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when We're apart
And when at last i find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
Oh you know I will
I will

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

catch up

This is my very first post, to my very own blog. Im now 5 months pregnant (20 weeks and 1 or 2 days). I had it down to the day but then at my last ultrasound they said my conception date was off by a bit.

I have had three ultrasounds. The first one was very early on. I was almost 7 weeks pregnant, but spotting, and had cramps that felt just like mestrual cramping. My Midwife ordered a scan on me and the baby. Turns out the Doc figured I was only 6 weeks along. At this point The u.s only showed a black splotch with a yolk. I was so worried, cause the Doc didn't really reassure me if that was normal or not. I guess the Doctors don't want to give you any false hopes, just incase things don't turn out well. But really all I needed at this point, was someone to tell me that everything looked as it should and not to worry. The spotting eventually stopped, but the cramps continued until about 3 months along. I think it was just my uterus stretching.

My second ultrasound was Feb 3rd. I was now 9 weeks and 1 day, but after the scan the doctor said I was closer to 10 weeks. (Oh boy change of date again) This scan was better. Daddy and I could see the little babys fluttering heart. It was amazing. The baby was sooooo small, but looked like a little gummy bear, with its tiny little budding arms and legs, and the babys big head. How CUTE!!!! We received a picture to take home after this visit :)

Third ultrascan was a couple weeks ago on April 9th, I was 19 weeks along according to the most rescent conception date. I was so looking forward to this scan. I had to drink a fair amount of water for this one. I think 1.5 litres is what they call for. So i drank all the water, and ate an apple along with some cottage cheese for breakfast. As we were leaving the house, what should happen?! I had morning sicknes, i guess the baby didn't enjoy all that water, apple and cottage cheese. I quickly chugged some more water and we ran out the door. We saw the baby moving around quite a bit. The little ones arms were up by his/her face with clenched fist. The baby was holding up one index finger and sort of moving the little arms around similar to how a cat moves its paws while cleaning them. Soooooooo amazing and magical to see.I wish I could have watched the baby all day. The ultrasound tech figured the baby looked a little small, so at this point they say I am more like 18 weeks instead of 19. It all seems very silly, but when you are pregnant you want to know to the day. Its so exciting to tell people I am 12 weeks and 3 days, or 17 weeks and 1 day and so on.

So I am going to say, today being April 22nd, I am 20 weeks and 2 days :) I first noticed the baby moving at about 18 weeks I think. It may have been earlier, but it was hard to tell. The feeling felt like little gas bubbles inside your tummy. Once I realized what the feeling was I was thrilled. But this morning was the most wonderful experience. I woke up and poked my belly lightly. A couple seconds later, I felt a strong "kick" just below my belly. So strong that I could feel it externally, not just little flutters. The the baby kicked about 3 or 4 more times a bit lower and to the right of my belly button!!! It was amazing. As I write this, the baby is moving around.