Wednesday, April 21, 2010

catch up

This is my very first post, to my very own blog. Im now 5 months pregnant (20 weeks and 1 or 2 days). I had it down to the day but then at my last ultrasound they said my conception date was off by a bit.

I have had three ultrasounds. The first one was very early on. I was almost 7 weeks pregnant, but spotting, and had cramps that felt just like mestrual cramping. My Midwife ordered a scan on me and the baby. Turns out the Doc figured I was only 6 weeks along. At this point The u.s only showed a black splotch with a yolk. I was so worried, cause the Doc didn't really reassure me if that was normal or not. I guess the Doctors don't want to give you any false hopes, just incase things don't turn out well. But really all I needed at this point, was someone to tell me that everything looked as it should and not to worry. The spotting eventually stopped, but the cramps continued until about 3 months along. I think it was just my uterus stretching.

My second ultrasound was Feb 3rd. I was now 9 weeks and 1 day, but after the scan the doctor said I was closer to 10 weeks. (Oh boy change of date again) This scan was better. Daddy and I could see the little babys fluttering heart. It was amazing. The baby was sooooo small, but looked like a little gummy bear, with its tiny little budding arms and legs, and the babys big head. How CUTE!!!! We received a picture to take home after this visit :)

Third ultrascan was a couple weeks ago on April 9th, I was 19 weeks along according to the most rescent conception date. I was so looking forward to this scan. I had to drink a fair amount of water for this one. I think 1.5 litres is what they call for. So i drank all the water, and ate an apple along with some cottage cheese for breakfast. As we were leaving the house, what should happen?! I had morning sicknes, i guess the baby didn't enjoy all that water, apple and cottage cheese. I quickly chugged some more water and we ran out the door. We saw the baby moving around quite a bit. The little ones arms were up by his/her face with clenched fist. The baby was holding up one index finger and sort of moving the little arms around similar to how a cat moves its paws while cleaning them. Soooooooo amazing and magical to see.I wish I could have watched the baby all day. The ultrasound tech figured the baby looked a little small, so at this point they say I am more like 18 weeks instead of 19. It all seems very silly, but when you are pregnant you want to know to the day. Its so exciting to tell people I am 12 weeks and 3 days, or 17 weeks and 1 day and so on.

So I am going to say, today being April 22nd, I am 20 weeks and 2 days :) I first noticed the baby moving at about 18 weeks I think. It may have been earlier, but it was hard to tell. The feeling felt like little gas bubbles inside your tummy. Once I realized what the feeling was I was thrilled. But this morning was the most wonderful experience. I woke up and poked my belly lightly. A couple seconds later, I felt a strong "kick" just below my belly. So strong that I could feel it externally, not just little flutters. The the baby kicked about 3 or 4 more times a bit lower and to the right of my belly button!!! It was amazing. As I write this, the baby is moving around.

1 comment:

annie said...


you are going to be the kind of mother that children dream of: all kindness, all supportive, all patient with their stumbles, all psyched by even their tiniest accomplishments.....
another song: "Put it there" by P McCartney

love annie