Saturday, April 24, 2010

This is a picture of my little one at 9 weeks and 1 day. The little one is the adorable little gummy bear firgure in the centre of the photo. We were able to see the babys heartbeat flickering for the first time at this ultrasound. It was an amazing site to see. I have some pics of the baby at 18 weeks that I will post soon.
I think I have started having Braxton Hicks contractions. Lastnight they started. Im not sure if what Im feeling are for sure BH contractions, but I see my widwife next week so I will ask her then. As soon as I felt them I started doing some online research. I know, the internet isn't always the best place to look for medical advice, but good or bad, it is where I turn for some answers. Ok for a lot of answers. Every new symptom I have, I type it into google search and up pops numerous other mothers to be with similar questions or answers. Thankfully from what I have read, BH contractions are perfectly normal. They are the bodies way of preparing for real labour.

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