Thursday, April 22, 2010


I started at 5'6", 120lbs and waist was about 27-28"
That was 5 months ago
now 32" waist, last week it was 30
weight gain - 15lbs, I think,
I have been scared to weigh myself since my last weigh in, so Im sticking with 15 lbs. I am at a healthy weight, and I know its just a number, but oh boy its hard seeing your weight go up.
*edit April 23rd- weighed myself this morning -20 weeks and 4ish days preggers,
weight gain 14-15 lbs

I was really craving fish and chips today! Ok not so much fish and chips, more like tartar sauce. I didn't have any though :( I know its bad for me and baby, but mcdonalds has some yummy tartar sauce that I dip my fries in, yum yum yum.

I had a bit of a melt down a couple weeks ago when going through the McD's drive through. I have this thing with ketchup, I love it. It drives me crazy when they forget to put some packets in the bag. I checked when we got to the window and there were only 2 packets. I asked for more, and the guy told me they only allow ONE packet per meal now!!?!?! Ummm what, are they struggling that much that they can't afford to give out ketchup. Uh oh Pregnancy hormones took over. I ranted at DH all the way home. I even looked up their website cause I was going to email them and ask "whats up?" hahaha DH laughed and said he should video tape my rants and put them on youtube. I do think it would have been a hilarious youtube video, I was a bit crazy. Honestly, I don't get upset vey often, but for some reason when I do, its over the silliest things.

I went to the mall today, cause my clothes are getting tight. Plus summer is around the corner and I could use some colour in my wardrobe. I didn't find anything though. Oh well next time.

On the drive home the baby and I played "patty cake". The baby kicked, so I tapped back on my tummy, and the baby kicked again, we did this for a couple minutes. Earlier today the baby felt like he/she was doing summersaults.

I am so excited to be pregnant, but it wasn't until I started getting a belly and felt movement that it really hit me.... we are going to have a baby soon. I can't wait to hold my little birdie in my arms, but I want to enjoy every minute of being pregnant.

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