Sunday, May 23, 2010


My belly button is slowly but surely becoming an outy. Its very strange to see. Hmmmm will it return to an inny after the baby is born? I have read that from here on out, the baby will be growing quite a bit and, in turn, so will I. At the moment, the baby weighs about 1.3 lb and is about 30cm from head to heel. Wow thats the length of a ruler! this baby must be really squished in there. They say the baby could gain 1/2 a lb this week alone! Her little ears are fully formed, she is developing tastebuds, and is pretty much a perfectly formed miniature baby. Her little nervous system, organs and all other systems are still developing. I noticed in the last few days that I have become a bit more emotional. I tear up at all sorts of things. My hips and glutes seem to bother me a lot, same with some back aches. I get tired easily again. For the first 3.5 months I was beyond exausted all the time, then my energy came back, and now Im tired again... oh joy lol. Snuggles on the couch are getting tougher as Daddy-Bear and I both gain our pregnancy weight. We may need a bigger sofa. I am not compliaing at all. As a matter of fact, I can't believe I only have 3 months left to be pregnant. I will miss it. Just letting you know whats going on.

I have wanted to have a baby for so long. Now that it is actually happening, I am a bit, ok a lot nervous. So many questions pop into my head. I want to be a good mom. I want to teach my child to be artisitc, confident, creative, compassionate and caring and sooo many other things. The strangest thing I am worried about is school. I know I have many years to go before I have to worry about sending my baby off to school. Even still, its on my mind. I was never a big fan of the place myself. As a matter of fact, I think I still feel a small amount of anxiety when I drive by one. But there are so many options out there. I like the idea of a montessori school, or a private school that encourages an individuals creativity.

Nenad and I went to a local childrens store a couple weeks ago. I know I have the big belly, and feel the baby kicking all the time, but walking out of that store was a wake up call. We really are going to have a baby soon! So many things to research and prepare before the baby arrives. Its all so exciting. I do wish I was in closer proximity to my family and friends, so I could share every minute of this experience with them. My sister came for a visit which was so nice. She did a massage procedure on me called "Unwinding". It was interesting. It did make my back feel better. She is amazingly talented. She is going to plan my baby shower. She is so sweet. She is keeping it all a secret from me. I know my older sis would love to be involved in the planning as well, so hopefully they will work it out.

Chewing my nails has been a very bad habit of mine since I was young. The moment I got pregnant I broke that habit without even thinkibg about it. My nails are so long and strong now. Its almost a nuisance to type with them! I know, its an odd thing to write about, but Im amazed by it. People have offered me money to stop chewing my nails, I have put fake nails on to stop myself, even painted them with the bitter tasting polish, none of it ever worked. So I recommend if you have this habit, get pregnant.... it worked for me *smiles*

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