Friday, May 28, 2010

Weight gain

Daddy-Bear and I went to our monthly midwife appointment yesterday. The baby is doing well. When my midwife checked the heart beat, we could hear the baby swimming around in my womb. She is very active! If I went by all the old wives tales, I would swear I was having a boy. I have been craving sweets ( sign of a boy ) I think I am carrying low ( boy ) The baby has a super sttrong heart beat ( boy ). The ultrasound tech did say he was 90% sure the little one is a girl. Plus I was having dreams from the start about a little girl, so we will see.

Anyway, back to the appointment... I have to give a weight update everytime I go. Well when I told her my weight, there was an awkward silience in the room. Our midwife was trying to find a nice way of telling me I am packing on the lbs lol. OOOPS. It was good to hear though. I need to watch my diet a bit better. Cut back on the Pecan mudslides from DQ and the tartar sauce from every restaurant we go to.... Oh boy Daddy-Bear hung me out to dry. He ratted on all of my bad eating habits.

Needless to say, we ended up at the gym lastnigt, and then had a somewhat healthy, homemade dinner. Man I am getting hungry thinking about food.

At 24 weeks and 5 days along, the baby's heart rate is 140 bpm. Last month her heart rate was 158 bpm. The drop in bpm is normal from what I have read.

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