Monday, August 23, 2010


I am now 37 weeks and 2 days into my pregnancy. I went to the doctors last Wednesday, hoping that they could turn the baby using the external cephalic version method. I arrived bright and early, gave a urine sample, had blood work, got on IV (ouch), and was hooked up to a machine to monitor the baby's heart rate. Finally after about an hour and a half, they took me in to the operating room (in case I needed an emergency c-section) where I had another ultrasound and waited some more for the doctor. I have to say  I enjoyed the ultrasound. We got a very very clear picture of our little baby's foot awwwwwww. The doctor arrived and after all of this, I am expecting him to dig into my gut, to push with all his might, and get this little baby to do what she needs to do. I was prepared to grin and bare the pain. The truth is, the doc spent maybe 3.5 to 5 minutes working on me. I don't even know what he did. He dug his fingers into the top of my belly sort of cupping her head with his thumb and index finger and pushed one way, then pushed the other way, then promptly told me she wasn't going to move and I should schedule a cesarean. I held back my tears.
My uterus and belly were pretty hard at the time. I think if he had waited for everything to relax, and put some more effort in, he would have had better luck. Honestly, I don't think he cared. I think doctors now a  days prefer c-sections, especially when they are planned. In and out, on their time, no waiting for the woman to dilate, no surprises. Maybe for some doctors, this isn't the case, and I know that there are times when a c-section is desperately needed, Im just wondering if that is the case with me. I was a breech baby, and my mom delivered me naturally.
After the procedure, I was taken to another room, where the baby and I were monitored for another 20 minutes, and then sent home. Nenad was super sweet. He stood next to me the whole time and rubbed my arm to comfort me.
Lastnight I had a good cry over all of this. I am a bit heartbroken that I have to have a c-section. I am still holding out hope that she will flip, or I will find a doctor educated enough to perform a natural birth on a frank breech baby.
Out of the three friends I know, who recently had a baby, they all had to have a c-section for one reason or another. Now I have to have one as well. I think that is a mighty high percentage. My mom said back when she had us, she didn't know anyone who had a cesarean.
I know some women actually choose to have a c.s over a natural birth. Im not judging, to each their own, but if you don't have to have one, I can't figure out why you would want to go that route. Our bodies were designed to deliver babies. I am sad that I may not get to experience my water breaking, or feeling labour, or pushing, or holding hands with Nenad and doing my best not to get cranky when he is comforting me and I am in pain. I really want that experience. I know there is the possibility to have all of that with our next baby, but maybe that baby will be breech, or maybe the doctors here won't perform a VBAC. Sorry to get so whiny. I know it will all be wonderful when I am holding our baby.
I am a little confused as to why it has to be a planned c-section. I feel like it would be healthier for myself and the baby to experience a bit of labor. I mean isn't labor the body and baby's way of saying "yooohooo, Im ready to be born".
I read that it will take 30 minutes or more to sew me up (after a c-section), and I won't be able to hold the baby during that time. I will have to stay in the hospital and recover for 3-4 days instead of wrapping my baby up and resting comfortably at home. Ok, now I am just complaining lol. It's just hard accepting this when all my life I had a totally different vision. But what is life, if not unexpected and and full of surprises :)
Im off to see my midwife. Thanks for baring with me on this post and letting me vent. I feel like the biggest complainer, since all that matters is the baby's health and well being. That is truly what is important. I just want my baby to feel safe and happy, and  to spend as little time as humanly possible in the cold sterile hospital.


I saw my midwife. She spent a good 30 mintues working to turn the baby. I have to say it was quite tender to say the least, but I didn't want her to stop so I didn't mention the slight soreness, except for one point where I jumped and made a bit of a whimpering sound... I just reacted. The baby moved a bit, but not a lot. My midwife chuckled at how easy going yet stubborn this little one is. Her heart rate didn't even budge.
She said that it is up to me if I want to schedule a cesarean. She agrees with me that going into labor is better for me and baby, as well as for future births. She wants me to talk to a doctor and see what he says, but if I want to wait for the onset of labor, the doctors can't tell me otherwise. Of course I may still need to have a c.s once I arrive at the hospital, but I feel better knowing that at least I can wait until the baby feels completely ready to make her entrance into this world. My midwife also that it is better for the baby to go through a bit of the labor, as they get certain hormones and chemicals that prepare them for life outside the womb. So we will see how it goes. If I wait for labor, the doctors may even perform a breech vaginal birth, as long as everything is going well and progressing, and baby and I are good candidates. In the meantime, I have been referred to another chiropractor, who I've been told has golden hands for getting babies to turn :) and I will start taking my pulsatilla again.
If anyone out there knows of any tricks to turn baby, wives tales or not, I am up for suggestions :)

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