Thursday, January 6, 2011

4 months old

Wow my baby girl is four months old. She is growing so fast. I weighed her a couple of weeks ago and she was 14lbs. I will have to weigh her again soon. She is supposed to go in for her second set of immunization shots. She did great at her two month shots. I on the other hand was a bit of a wreck. First of all I had the wrong address. By the time we found the right place, we had missed her appointment, but they managed to fit us in. Sophie was nice and calm, and then they put the needle in her leg. I held her tight but she still cried a bit. She shrugged it off and didn't think too much of it. Unfortunately there were still two shots to go. The third shot was the doozey. My poor baby turned bright red and let out a delayed scream. I held back my tears, as the nurse said, 'oh ya, that one stings a bit'?!?! Thanks for the warning. It felt like I was betraying Sophie. I am her protector, the one she trusts, and here I am letting this lady prick her with needles. I know it is for the best, but she doesn't know that. I quickly pulled out my magic weapon and nursed her. All is well once Sophie's tummy is full.

I just looked over at Sophie in her swing, and she gave me a big smile. I have to say, the best part of my day is when I wake up in the morning and look in her bassinet. Sophie always looks up at me and gives a giant smile. Her eyes sparkle.  In the moments before I see that smile, I lie there, wishing she would just go back to sleep lol.

Since Christmas she has decided she only wants to sleep in 1-1.5 hour segments through the night. It is a challenge for sure. I was getting used to the 4 hour sleep and then the two hours of sleep that followed, before getting up in the morning. Im hoping this switch up is just a phase, and that it passes asap.

Before she was born I researched baby carriers like crazy. I decided that I wanted the Beco Butterfly. I pictured myself carrying her in it everywhere I went. Turns out, she didn't like it all that much. I was jealous when I saw other Mothers carrying their babies in carriers. I saw a wrap online, called the Moby Wrap. Its 5.5 yards of stretchy fabric that you tie around yourself in a variety of ways for various carrying positions. When I went to Vancouver for a visit, Dressew was one of my first stops. I picked up some discount fabric, cut it, wrapped it around me and put Sophie in it. It was great. It worked great while she was an infant, and is still great as she grows. Now that Sophie is getting bigger, I find that I really like the Beco. They say it is accommodating for infants, but for us, it really wasn't practical until Sophie hit 14 lbs. I just wish she could face outwards in it. I know they now have a new version of the Beco that has on outward facing option.

Another thing I was super excited about, were cloth diapers. They just didn't seem to work out well while she was a newborn. The were so bulky on her it was crazy. I gave up on them for a while, but recently started putting her in them during the day. They are still bulky, but they are adorable on her. She still mostly wears disposables, but I try to put her in cloth diapers during the day, around the house. For night use, its definitely disposables! 

You should see Sophie in her Exersaucer!! She sits there and pushes all the buttons. She loves knowing that if she pushes a certain button, lights will flicker and sounds will twitter. She is a little smarty pants, and super strong.

Oh boy, crying baby, time to go

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