Tuesday, January 11, 2011


What a wonderful visit we had with everyone. Sophie is so blessed to have so much love in her life, but truly we are the ones who are blessed to have her in our lives. I have no idea how she managed to stay so calm and composed with everyone ooing and awwing over her. She was passed back and forth between her Grandma, Granddad, Aunts and friends so much, it was overwhelming for me to see. She dealt so well with all of the attention.

On Saturday Sophie went for her first swim!!! OMG Im getting goosebumps now, just thinking about it. I have been wanting to take her in the pool for a while. Saturday was the day. She looked a little shocked as I lowered her in and the water got to her bellybutton. She made a bit of a face, as if she may cry, but not a peep. She was a natural. We floated around the pool, and took pictures. Trina and William had a great time playing with her in the pool as well. I rested her arms on one of those floating noodles, and she instinctively started paddling her legs!!! She is so smart. She may grow up to be an Olympic swimmer :) It was so funny cause she kept lowering her head forward and licking the water. She loves doing that in the tub as well. She will turn her head to the side, so that half her face is under the water and slurp up some water. The whole time we were in the pool, I wanted to swoop her under the water, like you see in that Nirvana video. I didn't want to upset her, so we waited until just before getting out of the water. I couldn't bring myself to put her fully under the water, but her face skimmed the water for less than half a second lol. She wasn't phased at all. Grandma and Aunty Jill wrapped her up in about three towels and snuggled her close, while Trina, William and I popped in the hot tub for a bit.

Seeing myself in a bathing suit was shocking. But it was a wake up call. It is time to get off the " I just had a baby" wagon. Im not planning to "diet", but it is time to start watching what I eat, and get a bit more exercise.

Thank goodness for Moms. I don't know what I would do with out mine. She was with us from the moment Sophie was born. She helped us so much for the first week, before she had to go back to Vancouver for work. My mom has come for many visits since then and taken such good care of us and her Granddaughter. This weekend when we visited her, was no different. She saw how badly I needed to sleep, so being the amazing Mom/Grandma she is, she forced me to go to sleep, while she stayed up all night with Sophie. I only had to get up once during the night, at 4:30 am to nurse, then Mom sent me back to bed till 8 am.  It brings tears to my eyes just to think about how wonderful it was to get some sleep, and to know that my Mom was so selfless to give up a night of sleep so I could get some. I have no idea how she managed to keep Sophie from crying all night. My Mom has always been a natural with children. She has an ability to calm, nurture, love like no one else.Thank you Mom, Hopefully I will be at least half the Mom you are.

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