Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heart Beat

We had a great visit with our midwife today. We recorded the video and posted above. There is sound, but it is pretty quiet on my computer, except for a few loud thuds, which is the sound of the baby jumping around. Hopefully you can hear the little pitter patter of the heart. I can't tell you how magical it is to hear my baby's heart beating. I get to hear it once a month. Inbetween visits I start to worry and wonder if the baby is ok and then I hear that reassuring little thumping sound and all is well. Our midwife said the baby sounds strong willed and stubborn :) The little one kept doing "karate" moves and jumping around. The baby feels pretty active right now as I type this out.

I was surprised when I watched the video, after the visit. From my view, looking down at my belly, and when ! am standing up, my tummy looks much much bigger than that.

My blood pressure is a bit low, but nothing to worry about. My midwife says I am a bit dehydrated. How this is possible I do not know, I drink crazy amounts of water. She says I should drink coconut water to increase my electrolytes. I tried it, and think I may stick with gatorade. She also said the menstrual type cramps are probably my uterus and muscles stretching, and that it is still a bit early for braxton hicks contractions.

So we have come to the conclusion that I am 20 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My due date will be around Sept 11th. This corresponds with the size of the baby and my conception date. I think this is the date we are going to stick with. At least I hope so. I am going to heave another ultra sound in a couple of weeks to make sure that the baby's growth is on track.

I will probably ask this a few times, but does anyone have any ideas for boy or girl names? I say "she" in the video, referring to the baby, but we don't know yet. Tech said its possibly a girl, but our doctor said at the time of the ultrasound, it was a little too early to tell. So no pink paint just yet. Judging by these kicks, if she is a girl, she is going to be one tough cookie!!! At this stage the baby weighs just under 1lb, about 10 or 11 oz and is around 7 inches from head to rump :) Getting big!

1 comment:

Jill said...

It sounds like you have a little train in your tummy!