Saturday, June 5, 2010

Musical baby

I was playing phone tag with my midwife the other day. Not the most reassuring thing when your midwife calls, and then you can't get a hold of her all day because you keep missing each others phone calls. Eventually we caught up with one another. She has scheduled another ultrasound for this week. It is with a specialist. Makes me worry that we need to see a specialist, but at least I can be confident knowing that whatever the Doctor says, is going to be accurate. The reason for seeing a specialist is because the baby's head circumference isn't growing as quickly as the abdomen. The head circumference is just under the 10-90 percentile. I understand what the 10-90 percentile is, but I'm not sure how important it is, so I'm just putting it at the back of my mind and not stressing until I hear what the doc has to say. I know in my heart that my baby is healthy and happy so what more can I say. She is very active, and seems to have patterns on when she is up and kicking and when she is sleeping.

I was listening to head phones yesterday and I put one to my belly. The baby kicked a few times in the exact spot that the earphone was placed!!! That is exciting. She is kicking me right now as a matter of fact. I'm visiting with my family. I got here yesterday. We went for a delicious celebration dinner for my sister passing her RMT boards. Everyone wanted to feel the baby kicking, but she is a shy little one. I noticed that if I tap on my stomach in a pattern the baby will occasionally kick. Most people were able to feel the movement. I love that she responded to my tapping.

Last week I was cuddling on the couch while watching tv, with Daddy-Bear. He could feel the baby kicking at his hip. He accused me of having gas! Oh that man lol.

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