Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Home sweet home

Well the papers were signed today! We are the proud new owners of a beautiful house, to raise our family :) Closing is very very soon, so we will be able to set up the nursery before our little birdie arrives. Although I think we will have a bassinet in our room for a while.

The above photo is what sold us on the house :) A playground in the backyard!!! How perfectly cute is that? So it may be a little while till the little one can put it to good use, but there is a baby swing to attach to it, so it won't be too long until she will be swinging away. In the mean time, my favorite little nephew in the whole wide world can break it in. Hopefully he will come visit often.

I have been looking up names. There are a few that I really like, and finally Nen suggested a name! I won't divulge his suggested just yet, it is a good one. I was thinking maybe for a middle name, Eveliina. Its meaning stems back to "little bird" in Finnish, from what I have researched. I feel like there have been so many bird like things happening since I became pregnant, that there is some sort of link between the baby and birds, whatever it may be. Im not absolutely sure on the middle name, but its a thought :) 

PS, just got back from seeing karate kid..... Can't say I am a fan of Jaden Smith, and the movie was on the long side, but I suppose it was ok.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Creature in the dryer

Im starting to think this little baby is going to be somehow connected to birds when born. I named the site Bluebirdssing, my sister is throwing me a baby shower with a bird theme, and now I have rescued a baby bird from my dryer vent. There has to be some sort of connection there.

This morning I heard rustling coming from the laundry room. Ok I admit, I was scared to open the door, not knowing what it could be. The scratching noise seemed to be coming from the exhaust hose from the dryer. Let me just say that a million thoughts went through my head. As if some big scary creature had shrunk itself down and crawled into the house. I banged the wall a bit, and wiggled the hose thinking it would scurry back out from where it came. This didn't work, but it did stop moving, so I left the room and closed the door behind me. Well an hour later, I walked by the laundry room and there was the noise again. I ran to Nen, thinking the big manly man would fix the problem, but he was still in bed, and said he would look into it when he got up. I was worried that whatever monstrous creature was in there, might suffocate from the heat if left any longer. I decided to go in on my own. Wondering if I should put on some gloves or goggles, I braved it out. Bare handed, I removed the hose, made a strange little girlie sound, and ran the thing outside. With a little shake, out popped an adorable little bird. I again made a strange little girl sound. I was concerned cause the bird wasn't flying away. She just sat there and let me take a few pics as I talked a bit to her, asking her if she was ok. I didn't want to leave her out on the grass stunned and or injured, easy prey for some awful cat!. Well Riley solved that problem. Two seconds after I stopped recording, Riley noticed the bird. In an attempt to kindly sniff the birdie, he literally scared the poop out of her and she flew off. Alls well the ends well. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gender Quiz

Gender Prediction

A new theory states the babys sex is determined by the mothers testosterone level which is influenced by her personality and her stress level. And while we know that the sex is determined by the X or Y sperm, this theory states that the mother is responsible for creating a more favorable in-utero environment for either the X or Y sperm, thus giving it an advantage.

What is your age?
Under 18 Years Old
18 to 24 Years Old
25 to 30 Years Old *
31 to 40 Years Old
41 to 50 Years Old

I generally....
am always be in charge of things
want to be in charge but I am not always
take charge when forced
avoid being in charge at all costs *

Do people consider you Bossy?
yes, quite often
only sometimes
very rarely *
no, not at all

Who makes the main financial decisions (TV, car purchase etc) in your household?
you do, gladly
you do, you have no choice
50/50 between you and DH
Dh does *

Who makes more money?
I do
We are equal
Dh does *
I have no idea 

Around the time of conception what kind of job did you have?
high powered with lots of stress -I love it!
average job with some stress
low key, little stress - yawn
SAHW -no kids *

Around the time of conception what was your EMOTIONAL stress level (0= none, 2.5 = moderate, 5=high)
4 *
Around the time of conception what was your PHYSICAL stress level (0= none, 2.5 = moderate, 5=high
2 *
On a scale of 0-5 with 0 = submissive/meek & 5= domineering/bossy. Where do you fall?
2 *
How did you decide to get PG?
it was my idea
it was DHs idea
it was 50/50 *
it was a surprise
You have a 93% chance of having a girl

Second Gender predictor test
1I carry my baby - I can't tell, kinda inbetween but the baby itself is low and kicks bladder
- High
- Low
2My baby's heart rate
- Over 140 beats/min *
- Under 140 beats/min
3My cravings are
- Sweets *
- Spicy and salty foods
4I have morning sickness
- Often
- Rarely *
5My belly looks like
- Watermelon *
- Basketball
6My extra weight is
- Around waste and hips
- Out front *
7I have acne
- Yes
- No *
8My feet are
- The same as before * actually they are way hotter
- Colder than before
9Hair on my legs grow
- Slower than before *
- Faster than before
10My urine is
- Dull color
- Bright color *
60% chance girl

Also I used a pendulum and if it goes in a circle its a boy, if it goes side to side, its a girl * the pendulum went side to side. Well it was kind of confused and did a multitude of things but settled on side to side. I also did a Chinese gender predictor and it said girl. We will see. I did do a couple tests that came back 50/50 as well :) oh ya, and a quiz to see if I was pregnant lol.... 70% chance that I am

PS we put in an offer on a house today! We may have a place to set up a nursery soon!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We had our visit with the specialist yesterday. The sonographer was the same one we saw for our 18 week scan. He still believes we are having a girl. He couldn't be certain though. The baby is in a frank breech position making it very difficult to see. Her bottom is tucked deep down into my pelvis.

I was breech when I was born. I am really hoping that the baby turns. I would prefer to have a natural birth as opposed to a c-section. From what I have read, there is a high probability that the baby will flip flop. There is still a long ways to go :)

The Doctor came in to finish the scan. He said that if we go with our due date being Sept 11th (conception date around the 20th of Dec 2009) Then the baby is growing at a nice rate. If the baby continues at this growth rate, then she will probably be around 6.5 lbs give or take an oz. Sounds like the perfect size to me :)

The reason for the exam was because the doctor was under the impression that I conceived 1o days earlier, and the baby should be bigger by now. But I told them I have a longer cycle, so the time frame seems to work out perfectly. On top of that the head measurement was a little off, but that is because the baby has a narrow head shape. The circumference is normal, but if you only go by the width of the head then the head seemed to be small. What a relief this visit was. The Doctor said he thinks everything looks good. When I left the room, the sonographer told Nen that if this Doctor says the baby is healthy, then we have nothing to worry about, because he is the BEST in his field.

Monday, June 7, 2010

just beachy

Swimsuit photo taken June 5th. 26weeks and a few days pregnant. Weight gain 22lbs. I am about 3-5 lbs over what I should be.

Im back home now, after a short weekend visit with my family. The baby seems to kick more when Im at home. Maybe its just my imagination. Grandma finally felt the baby move. She wasn't kicking, but Grandma could feel her rolling around. Its a much different feeling.

While I was visiting my mom, we went to a few baby stores. Mothers are life savers. She was so helpful by showing me what to put on the baby registry. Other than eating and shopping, we also went swimming with my nephew.
I gained weight over the weekend. Im not surprised. I did eat like crazy. Im tyring to get back on track now that I am home (not an easy task, as Nen suggested fish and chips for lunch and then tried to get me to go to marble slab at 10 pm!!!)
Riley, Daddy-Bear and I went for a walk on the beach today. It was gorgeous out. We snapped a few pictures.

Tomorrow we go in for our appointment with an OBGYN for another ultrasound. He is a very well liked, and respected Doctor here. I am excited in a way because I feel like we will finally hear that all is perfect with our little baby, and find out once and for all if we are having a boy or girl hopefully. On the other hand, I am nervous, because maybe we won't hear what we want to hear. But Im leaning towards the former :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Musical baby

I was playing phone tag with my midwife the other day. Not the most reassuring thing when your midwife calls, and then you can't get a hold of her all day because you keep missing each others phone calls. Eventually we caught up with one another. She has scheduled another ultrasound for this week. It is with a specialist. Makes me worry that we need to see a specialist, but at least I can be confident knowing that whatever the Doctor says, is going to be accurate. The reason for seeing a specialist is because the baby's head circumference isn't growing as quickly as the abdomen. The head circumference is just under the 10-90 percentile. I understand what the 10-90 percentile is, but I'm not sure how important it is, so I'm just putting it at the back of my mind and not stressing until I hear what the doc has to say. I know in my heart that my baby is healthy and happy so what more can I say. She is very active, and seems to have patterns on when she is up and kicking and when she is sleeping.

I was listening to head phones yesterday and I put one to my belly. The baby kicked a few times in the exact spot that the earphone was placed!!! That is exciting. She is kicking me right now as a matter of fact. I'm visiting with my family. I got here yesterday. We went for a delicious celebration dinner for my sister passing her RMT boards. Everyone wanted to feel the baby kicking, but she is a shy little one. I noticed that if I tap on my stomach in a pattern the baby will occasionally kick. Most people were able to feel the movement. I love that she responded to my tapping.

Last week I was cuddling on the couch while watching tv, with Daddy-Bear. He could feel the baby kicking at his hip. He accused me of having gas! Oh that man lol.