Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gender Quiz

Gender Prediction

A new theory states the babys sex is determined by the mothers testosterone level which is influenced by her personality and her stress level. And while we know that the sex is determined by the X or Y sperm, this theory states that the mother is responsible for creating a more favorable in-utero environment for either the X or Y sperm, thus giving it an advantage.

What is your age?
Under 18 Years Old
18 to 24 Years Old
25 to 30 Years Old *
31 to 40 Years Old
41 to 50 Years Old

I generally....
am always be in charge of things
want to be in charge but I am not always
take charge when forced
avoid being in charge at all costs *

Do people consider you Bossy?
yes, quite often
only sometimes
very rarely *
no, not at all

Who makes the main financial decisions (TV, car purchase etc) in your household?
you do, gladly
you do, you have no choice
50/50 between you and DH
Dh does *

Who makes more money?
I do
We are equal
Dh does *
I have no idea 

Around the time of conception what kind of job did you have?
high powered with lots of stress -I love it!
average job with some stress
low key, little stress - yawn
SAHW -no kids *

Around the time of conception what was your EMOTIONAL stress level (0= none, 2.5 = moderate, 5=high)
4 *
Around the time of conception what was your PHYSICAL stress level (0= none, 2.5 = moderate, 5=high
2 *
On a scale of 0-5 with 0 = submissive/meek & 5= domineering/bossy. Where do you fall?
2 *
How did you decide to get PG?
it was my idea
it was DHs idea
it was 50/50 *
it was a surprise
You have a 93% chance of having a girl

Second Gender predictor test
1I carry my baby - I can't tell, kinda inbetween but the baby itself is low and kicks bladder
- High
- Low
2My baby's heart rate
- Over 140 beats/min *
- Under 140 beats/min
3My cravings are
- Sweets *
- Spicy and salty foods
4I have morning sickness
- Often
- Rarely *
5My belly looks like
- Watermelon *
- Basketball
6My extra weight is
- Around waste and hips
- Out front *
7I have acne
- Yes
- No *
8My feet are
- The same as before * actually they are way hotter
- Colder than before
9Hair on my legs grow
- Slower than before *
- Faster than before
10My urine is
- Dull color
- Bright color *
60% chance girl

Also I used a pendulum and if it goes in a circle its a boy, if it goes side to side, its a girl * the pendulum went side to side. Well it was kind of confused and did a multitude of things but settled on side to side. I also did a Chinese gender predictor and it said girl. We will see. I did do a couple tests that came back 50/50 as well :) oh ya, and a quiz to see if I was pregnant lol.... 70% chance that I am

PS we put in an offer on a house today! We may have a place to set up a nursery soon!!!

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