Monday, June 7, 2010

just beachy

Swimsuit photo taken June 5th. 26weeks and a few days pregnant. Weight gain 22lbs. I am about 3-5 lbs over what I should be.

Im back home now, after a short weekend visit with my family. The baby seems to kick more when Im at home. Maybe its just my imagination. Grandma finally felt the baby move. She wasn't kicking, but Grandma could feel her rolling around. Its a much different feeling.

While I was visiting my mom, we went to a few baby stores. Mothers are life savers. She was so helpful by showing me what to put on the baby registry. Other than eating and shopping, we also went swimming with my nephew.
I gained weight over the weekend. Im not surprised. I did eat like crazy. Im tyring to get back on track now that I am home (not an easy task, as Nen suggested fish and chips for lunch and then tried to get me to go to marble slab at 10 pm!!!)
Riley, Daddy-Bear and I went for a walk on the beach today. It was gorgeous out. We snapped a few pictures.

Tomorrow we go in for our appointment with an OBGYN for another ultrasound. He is a very well liked, and respected Doctor here. I am excited in a way because I feel like we will finally hear that all is perfect with our little baby, and find out once and for all if we are having a boy or girl hopefully. On the other hand, I am nervous, because maybe we won't hear what we want to hear. But Im leaning towards the former :)

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