Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We had our visit with the specialist yesterday. The sonographer was the same one we saw for our 18 week scan. He still believes we are having a girl. He couldn't be certain though. The baby is in a frank breech position making it very difficult to see. Her bottom is tucked deep down into my pelvis.

I was breech when I was born. I am really hoping that the baby turns. I would prefer to have a natural birth as opposed to a c-section. From what I have read, there is a high probability that the baby will flip flop. There is still a long ways to go :)

The Doctor came in to finish the scan. He said that if we go with our due date being Sept 11th (conception date around the 20th of Dec 2009) Then the baby is growing at a nice rate. If the baby continues at this growth rate, then she will probably be around 6.5 lbs give or take an oz. Sounds like the perfect size to me :)

The reason for the exam was because the doctor was under the impression that I conceived 1o days earlier, and the baby should be bigger by now. But I told them I have a longer cycle, so the time frame seems to work out perfectly. On top of that the head measurement was a little off, but that is because the baby has a narrow head shape. The circumference is normal, but if you only go by the width of the head then the head seemed to be small. What a relief this visit was. The Doctor said he thinks everything looks good. When I left the room, the sonographer told Nen that if this Doctor says the baby is healthy, then we have nothing to worry about, because he is the BEST in his field.

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