Saturday, March 12, 2011

Almost caught up with my posts

Here we are, a few days from spring. The sun has been shining the last couple of days. How I love the sun. Yet a couple of weeks ago, we had inches upon inches of snow. I woke up to let Riley out at 5 am and to my surprise the ground was covered in crisp, fresh, white snow. It was still snowing in the afternoon, when I decided to bundle Sophie up and take her out in the snow for the first time. It was perfect snowball, snowman making snow. I wish I could say Sophie's face lit up with joy and excitement, but once again, she just quietly, took it all in.

More recently, Sophie, Riley and I took a nice long walk to the park. Sophie tried out the swingset for the very first time!!! Mommy was so excited. I couldn't wait to see my little girl glow and giggle with giddiness. I should know by now that Sophie's personality is one of quiet, calm observation. She likes to absorb what is going on, take it all in, understand it. Only after all of this, can she fully let loose.

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