Friday, March 11, 2011

Bulging Disc

My back has been consistently sore for a while now, but the other day I made a slight adjustment on the couch and instantly felt a surge of pain. Nenad had to come take Sophie from me. The pain was bad, but over the course of the day it became unbearable. Honestly, I can't recall ever feeling pain like this. In comparison, on a scale of 1-10, my c-section and recovery would have been a 1 and my back pain would be an 8-9 with spikes of 10 at times. I am pretty good with pain. I have always considered myself to have a high pain threshold, but this pain has been crippling.
For some reason, I think out of delirium, I couldn't stop laughing, which was making my muscles seize up. Even though I was laughing, tears of agony were streaming from my eyes.It was less of a laugh, and more of a crazy cackle i guess.
I thought it was embarrassing, the first night, when Nenad had to help me to the bathroom and even pull my pants up and down. Turns out that wasn't embarrassing, compared to the next night when I was paralyzed by pain and lied on the bathroom floor for an hour and a half. Nenad wanted to call an ambulance, but I would have been mortified. I took two T3's. They made my arms and legs tingly, but barely improved my back pain. Slowly, I inched my way on to a sheet, very very slowly. Once on it, Nenad dragged me in to the living room, so I could at least lay on the carpet. That was a painful move. Mostly because the absurdity of it all made me laugh (Nenad was not laughing in the least) and when I laughed the pain would intensify. At one point I screamed for Nen to stop pulling the sheet, but when he stopped he set down the sheet and bumped my head on the ground. I tried my hardest not to laugh, but stopping myself from laughing, made my muscles tighten that much more, and well you know where Im going.
Im sure you are wondering why or how I could laugh, if I was in that much pain. To this I say ' I have no idea'. Nothing about the situation was funny. I think I was a bit crazy from the shock of it all. I also think I was trying to minimize the pain, to not worry Nenad. I feel guilty having so much attention paid to me.
Anyway, the doctor prescribed Emtec-30, which are T-3's with out the caffeine, and Advil. I was worried about taking the meds, since they contain codeine, because I am nursing. The doctor and the pharmacist both said it was fine. I don't fully believe them, but Sophie has been ok. They have actually been good, cause they make both of us sleep better. I know I know, it is bad that it is passing through my milk to her, but I only took a few. Its probably helping her teething pain. ( silly attempt at a joke ). I thought about giving her formula and then pump n dump my milk, but Nenad convinced me that Sophie will be fine.
I have been to the physiotherapist twice, in as many days. He says I have a bulging disc, and it is pressing on my sciatic nerve. I am amazed by how much some of his simple exercises have helped me already. Hopefully my back will be good as new very very soon. My reflexes in my knee and ankle have improved since yesterday. My glutes are working over time. They are so tight, and my knees have started aching a bit. Even my abs are starting to tighten. Six pack here I come. I don't think that will be the case lol.
 Instead of sitting up to nurse Sophie, I have been lying down, and then she has been sleeping next to me. This makes things quite a bit easier. The first night of this ordeal, Nenad slept in the same room as us. For the last couple of months, he has been sleeping in the other room because we were on different sleep patterns, and well, he was too tired with Sophie waking him up every 2 hours. I think he forgot what it was like because by 2 am he said to me " How have you not killed yourself yet " half serious. It was shocking when he said it, but at the same time I was happy to hear it. Finally some validation for all I do. Leading up to this point, he could not figure out why it upset me when he would say how tired he was, or how he didn't have a good sleep. lol, I haven't slept in 6 months, welcome to parenthood. Its completely worth it, but the sleep deprivation does take some getting used to for sure.
So this is where we are at. The pain sucks but it is nice to have Nenad so involved and taking such wonderful care of me and Sophie. He really is being amazingly caring, supportive and helpful. Last night he made some yummy sandwiches for dinner :) The pain has improved a bit. My muscles have relaxed quite a bit. I return to physio on Tuesday for van IMS treatment. I think this where they stick needles into my muscles and attach some type of current. This is to relax the muscles even more.

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