Sunday, March 6, 2011

Crib time

My little Lina Loo is getting too big for her bassinet. She is only about 15 lbs, but she is too tall for it. Sometimes when she kicks her legs they end up resting on the top edge of the basket. Oh she is too cute. Yesterday we decided to bring her crib into our room, from her nursery. I didn't want her to be too far from me, so her crib is now right beside our bed.

I was worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep in it, cause she likes to be a bit smushed and cuddled while sleeping.She likes to have something close to her face so she can nuzzle in to it. Before putting her in her crib, I swaddled her up nice and tight. She slept like a little angel. A little angel, who likes to wake her mom up periodically through out the wee hours of the morning.

Speaking of waking up during the night, I have decided to let her cry it out a bit, every once in a while. I think it is best for both of us. She will benefit from getting longer periods of rest. I know she isn't hungry when she cries every two hours. So far it is going well. She has started sleeping up to 3 hours at a time. The other night she actually slept 5 hours. I have been nursing her every 4-5 hours. If she cries before that, then she ends up falling back to sleep on her own.
There have been many changes in our little baby girl. She is gumming her tongue like crazy. I am pretty sure its the tooth coming in that is bothering her and is why she is chewing on her tongue. The feeling is new for her as well, so I'm sure she is curious as to what is going on with her gums. Anything that she can get her hands on ends up in her mouth. Yesterday we went to the mall. We gave Sophie a napkin, a ketchup packet and a receipt to keep her entertained, and all of them found there way in to her mouth. She used to roll only to her left, but has recently rolled to her right a couple of times. For some reason she hasn't been rolling over nearly as much lately.She is very interested in Riley the doggy. She wants to pet him every chance she gets. By 'pet' I mean she likes to grab his fur and pull it lol. And the cutest thing ever, she is talking up a storm. She talks very loudly. Ok so not so much talking, but making loud strings of sound. I think she is even starting to put together words like da and ba. Oh and she loves tags. Little labels on her toys and on clothing. She is more interested in them than in the toys themselves. Tooooo cute
While we were at the mall, Sophie picked up a few new toys. We bought her this crazy looking toy, called a sing-a-ma-jig. It is so silly. I can't stop playing with it hahaha. It makes such silly sounds, and it looks so bizarre.

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