Monday, March 7, 2011

Momma's Birthday Weekend

Happy Birthday to Me. My birthday has passed, but I am just getting to this post now. Our little family went to Vancouver not too long ago to celebrate my birthday and my sisters birthday. We had a wonderful time. It was a crazy, busy, family, friends, and celebration filled few days.
Sophie met her Jedo for the first time. The get together went surprisingly well. You could see how happy he was to meet his grand-daughter. Sadly, there had been a falling out between us all, which is why it took so long for Sophie to meet him. Nens mom made a smorgasbord of food. Spaghetti, cabbage rolls, coleslaw, schnitzel, and jam filled crepes for dessert.
After dinner, Sophie's Baka took me to their spare room, where she showed me a closet jam packed with little girl clothes for Sophie. Let me just say, Sophie will be well clothed until the age of 2 years :) She told me that she can't help but buy Sophie clothes, every time she goes out. She is a very loving, caring Baka. I can see that Sophie feels very close to her. She smiles when ever she sees/hears her Baka. Of course I have to mention how much Sophie loves her Grandma as well. They both light up when they see eachother. Sophie is so blessed to have so many warm, loving, adoring women in her life.

Sophie also met her Baka Rada and Jedo Branco. They are actually Nens cousins, but they have adopted Sophie as their Grand-baby. They are such amazingly wonderful People. They instantly fell inlove with Sophie. I have wanted them to meet Sophie for the longest time.
I was able to get together with some girlfriends while In Vancouver. They are so sweet. They booked me a massage and facial for my birthday. I can't wait to go!! I just have to call and make an appointment. I hope to go this week sometime. We went for lunch at Chau. If you are ever in Vancouver, you should eat there. It is Asian Fusion. Very very good food, and the atmosphere is very comfortable. Thankfully Sophie came to lunch with us and helped me blow out my birthday candle.

After our birthday dinner, we went to Jills place. I think it would have been a better idea to call it a night after the restaurant. For one, I think a few people were tired, well we were all pretty tired. But the biggest reason was, had we turned in early, William wouldn't have ran full force into a plate glass wall. Oh my gosh it was so scary. We were in a different room when we heard this LOUD bang, and then William screaming. I was scared to look. I thought something horrific had happened. It was pretty bad, but thankfully not as serious as I had imagined. Trina and Jill took Will to the emergency room, where they sat for hours. They said they weren't sure if his nose was broken, but he didn't have a concussion, so that put our minds at ease.
The day before coming back home, we helped my mom move. Everything went smoothly.

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